Sold to Stal Thijssen
Sold to Alexis Borrin
Sold to Ashford Farm
Sold to Ashford Farm and Stal Michaels-Beerbaum
Sold to Emma Augier de Moussac
Sold to Ashford Farm
Sold to Lilli Kremer
“Quick stal Z came to us as a 5 yo. he is a cheerful and attentive horses. We are always surprised how quicky he learns. He won his first competition in Germany straight away and we think he still has a lot of potential. By the way, his nickname is Frikandel”
Sold to Stefanie Sapterstein
Sold to Alexandra Grossenbacher
“ Vanessa is one of the nicest horses i ever rode. She has a golden heart!! We jumped many placings up till 1.40m level. “
Sold to Manton Grange Stables
`Haranta is a very careful, athletic mare with a massive heart. She shows a great amount of potential and will make a very good junior / young rider horse`.
Sold at the DSHS
Sold to Axel Verlooy – Eurohorse
Sold to Edwin Smits
Sold to Zoe and Michael Potter
” We have bought 2 horses from KM stables over the last year and a half. One was for a client and one was for us to produce. Both horses are exactly as described by Niels & Nicole. The team at KM stables were very professional and easy to work with and we would continue to do business with them in the future. We bought Jolo in February 2019. She showed real quality and an exceptional jump. We value her as our best 6yo and look forward to the future with her”
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